Children’s Audiology – Warrington

We will provide an assessment if there are concerns regarding a child’s hearing or if the child is at risk of developing a hearing loss.

We deliver a school hearing screen service to all pupils who attend a Warrington school in the reception and year one.

We are responsible for the care of patients identified with Permanent Childhood Hearing Impairment. We generate a patient specific plan in consultation with the parents/ guardians.

The plan will follow Local Care-Pathways, National Guidelines and Quality Standards.

We aim to maximise audibility in order that the child can access speech sounds.

The strategies used are determined by the needs of the individual and family and may include listening tactics, amplification with hearing aids, and referral for surgical intervention such as implantable devices or grommet insertion.

We work closely with the Specialist Teachers for children with Hearing Impairment and other multiagency professionals in order to ensure the best possible access to the Curriculum in the school setting and communication in the early years / home environment.

Where we work

We are based in Community Clinics; the majority of children with hearing impairment are seen in the purpose built audiology suite at the Child Development Centre, Sandy Lane, Orford.

The Child Development Centre is child and family friendly with disabled access.

Clinics are also held in Westbrook Medical Centre.

Who we see

We see any child or young person where hearing is a concern or an identified issue.

The Children’s Audiology is available for all Warrington residents and/or people registered with a Warrington GP practice aged 0-16 years.

If the young person has been provided with hearing aids or have additional needs that require the expertise and testing facilities of Children’s Audiology they can be seen up to the age of 19 years.

How to use the service

We have an open referral policy (parents or professionals can refer) you can contact the office directly regarding the concerns that you have about your child.

The clerical team will document your concerns and pass the referral to the service lead, to ensure that your child is seen by the most appropriate professional within the audiology service.

If a professional is already involved with your child then it is often helpful if they make the referral so they can detail their involvement with your child and concerns.

Refer to:

Children’s Audiology Service
Child Development Centre
Sandy Lane

Telephone: 01925 946483

There is no cost for the service.

All new referrals will be sent an opt in letter asking them to contact the service to arrange an appointment.

The appointment offered will be within 6 weeks of the referral being received.

Interpreters/translation services are available if required.

What you can expect from the Children’s Audiology

An audiological assessment that is executed by experienced and highly qualified professionals within the field of Children’s Audiology.

To be fully involved in the development of a management plan for your child.

The Audiology Medical Lead will contribute to Education, Health and Care plans if your child has with additional needs.

The Children’s Audiology Team will work closely with the Specialist Teachers for Children with Hearing Impairment who will provide advice & support for your family in the school & home setting.

Relevant audiology information will be shared with the professionals involved with your child. You will have a copy of this information.

Hearing aids, ear moulds, tubing and batteries will be provided if required.

It is expected that you will fit hearing aids if provided and take appropriate care of any equipment issued. Training will be given on any equipment given.

If your child requires any surgical intervention they will be referred to the appropriate service.

The Transition Service works closely with the Adult Audiology Service and transition process will begin before your young person’s 18th birthday.


  • Hearing aids, ear moulds, tubing and batteries will be provided if required
  • It is expected that you will fit hearing aids if provided and take appropriate care of any equipment issued. Training will be given on any equipment given.

How do you we communicate with service users and how are you involved in decision making/planning?

  • Communication with users is routinely, face to face, in written format e.g. letter and reports or by phone.
  • We routinely ask for feedback from you to see how we are doing. This may be    a request for verbal feedback, or we will ask you to complete an anonymous feedback form. This information will be treated confidentially, and may be used by the team in order to improve our service.
  • Parents of children with hearing impairment are invited to attend our Multidisciplinary Children’s Hearing Services Working Group. To develop service improvement for children with hearing impairment.
  • We have a range of local and National Information Leaflets that you can access
  • Information Governance
  • Working with our partners

Give us your feedback

Your feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our services here at Bridgewater.

Please tell us about your recent visit or appointment by completing our online Talk to Us form.

Ask Ollie

You may find it helpful to view the local offer site for further information about support and services in the area.  ‘Ask Ollie’ is the local offer that supports parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and young people with SEND themselves.

The link to Ask Ollie is:

Ask Ollie is co-produced by Warrington Borough Council with local young people with SEND, parents and carers of children with SEND and SEND practitioners who support these families.

What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEN having?

All members of staff receive training in disability awareness and undergo regular supervision and clinical training to maintain their skills and develop new expertise.

Every member of the team has an up to date DBS check.

All of the Children’s Audiology Staff have expertise in testing children with Special Educational Needs.

Who can I contact for further information?

For general enquiries regarding Paediatric Audiology about a child, or to make a referral, you can contact our admin team on 01925 946483.

Further concerns

Our Patient Services is a point of contact for families seeking advice or information about services or to raise issues or concerns. You can contact the team on 0800 587 0562.


Warrington Children’s Audiology – Information about your child’s appointment

Warrington Children’s Audiology – Glue Ear Leaflet

Contact details for referrals

Children’s Audiology Service
Child Development Centre
Sandy Lane

Telephone 01925 946483

Information sharing

In order to offer integrated, high quality services for children, all of our Children’s Services work closely with preschools, nurseries and schools.

We share information about the outcomes of assessments and the strategies recommended in order that preschools, nurseries and schools implement the same strategies on a daily basis.

We also inform preschools, nurseries and schools when a parent does not attend an appointment.

This will greatly help your child, but it you do not wish information to be shared you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Related websites

The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS)