Annual Members Meeting 2024
The Bridgewater Annual Members Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Featuring a fabulous animation that charts the organisation’s progress in year and voiceovers from our clinical and corporate colleagues, the event was an opportunity to hear from the Bridgewater Board and ask any questions of the Executive and Non Executive Directors.
View our Bridgewater Annual Members Meeting 2023 draft minutes,
Our Foundation Trust members play an active role in helping to shape local services for the future.
You can make a difference…
- Have your say about local health services and issues that are affecting you, your family, neighbours and friends
- Membership provides a great opportunity for the local community, patients, staff and partners to get involved in our work, share their experiences and have a much bigger say in the way the local health services are run.
- You can decide how involved you would like to be. You might choose to receive updates, you might like to comment on our plans and take part in events. Alternatively, you may consider standing for election as a Governor on our Council of Governors. The choice is yours!
- The larger and more involved our membership is, and the more closely it reflects the different communities we treat as patients, the better. We aim to deliver the best in care and make improvements.
- Join us today – it’s quick and easy and it won’t cost you a penny.
By becoming a Foundation Trust we are accountable to our public and the local communities we serve.
We have greater freedom and flexibility to determine how to deliver services which meet local priorities and deliver our aims.
Through membership we listen to your views and opinions which will help us to influence decisions about the Trust’s future.
What is Membership?
NHS Foundation Trusts strengthen local ownership of and responsibility for hospital services.
Staff, patients and members of the public are eligible to become members from which a Council of Governors will be elected.
Who can become a Member?
Membership is free and open to anyone aged 14 years.
What are the Benefits of becoming a member?
By becoming a member you can:
- have a say in what we do
- help shape our future plans for services and the Trust
- receive the trust communications
- be involved in focus groups or surveys about our services
- be invited to events and health talks
- elect Governors to represent your views
- stand for election as a Governor yourself
- be involved as much or as little as you wish
How can I become a member?
You can fill in our online form here; alternatively you can complete a paper application form.
For a copy of the form, please contact the Membership Team on 01942 482672 or via email at
What if I am already a member of another Trust?
You can apply to be a member of as many Foundation Trusts as you like.
We encourage our members to support their local trusts as we work closely with neighbouring trusts to provide integrated local healthcare.
How much will it cost me to become a member?
Nothing. Membership is free.
Further information
For further information contact our membership office at:
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Ground Floor
Spencer House
Governor profiles
View all of our Bridgewater governor profiles.
Read about the role of a Governor.
Governor Focus
Governor Focus – December 2024
Governor Focus – February 2024
Key documents
Communities Matter – Bridgewater strategy
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Constitution
CQC Single Assessment Framework – Preparing for the new approach