Membership Recruitment

Membership Recruitment

One of our key responsibilities in the Membership Office is to recruit new members.

We attend numerous health events around the North West.

If you want us at your event please contact our membership office at:

Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHs Foundation Trust
Ground Floor
Spencer House

Telephone: 01925 946400

Council of Governors

Bridgewater Governors

What is a Governor?

Our Governors have an important role in making the Trust publicly accountable for the services we provide.

They are elected by Bridgewater members or appointed by one of our partnership organisations and form our Council of Governors.

Appointed governors represent stakeholder organisations such as our local councils or charities.

Governors are responsible for representing the interests of members to the Trust’s Board of Directors. The majority of the Council of Governors is made up of public Governors.

Our Council of Governors role is to gain assurance on behalf of the Membership and the public, with regard to the organisations performance, with a particular focus on service quality.

The role and responsibilities of the Council of Governors include:

  • Representation of the interests of members and the public
  • Statutory duties to hold Non-Executive Directors individually and collectively to account
  • Governors can require Directors to attend a Council meeting to obtain information on performance of the Trust
  • Significant transactions will have to be signed off by 50% Governors voting
  • Provide views on the Board of Directors’ forward plans
  • Approval of the appointment of the Chief Executive
  • Appointment of the Trust Auditors
  • Governors also appoint, remove and decide the terms of office and remuneration of the Chair and the Non-Executive Directors.

The role of the Council of Governors is fundamentally different from that of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are responsible for the direct running of the Trust and for the strategic leadership of the whole organisation; assuring high quality performance and delivery of all services.

Governors are not directly involved in:

  • operational management
  • individual specific patient or staff issues
  • handling complaints
  • confidential patient issues

Council of Governors Meetings

The Council of Governors meets on a bi-monthly basis.  Meetings are open for the public and members to observe.

Governor Job Description 

Bridgewater Governor Job Description

Governor Role

The role of a Governor