Warrington Children’s Occupational Therapy – Video resources

Sensory Awareness

Sensory processing is how we use information from within our bodies and the environment around us. Our senses provide us with the information we need to carry out day-to-day tasks and activities.

This sensory information gives us an understanding of who we are, where we are and what is going on around us.

Each of the sensory systems is responsible for providing us with information about the world around us. Sometimes our sensory systems work too well and take in too much information.

This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and may result in children avoiding certain situations (e.g. covering their ears due to certain noises). Sometimes our senses don’t work as well as they should, and they can miss information in the environment or from their bodies.

In these cases, the child may appear unaware of sensations (e.g. does not respond to their name being called) or the child may be driven to seek more of the sensation (e.g. spinning their body a lot in order to feel the movement).

How we process sensory information affects how we participate in everyday tasks and activities. For your child, this can mean problems with paying attention in class or problems coping with things like getting their hair cut etc. 

This page contains resources to help you understand sensory processing and how you can support your child or young person. You can choose the resources that are right for you. 

There are videos you can watch, video scripts you can download and read (you can translate these or use a screen reader if you need to) and advice sheets to read.

Video script: What is Sensory Processing

Video script: The Senses

Video script: Sensory strategies

What Next?

Different strategies work for different individuals. It is important to work together with your child or young person to try different strategies over time.

Please don’t expect big changes overnight. It can take several months for sensory strategies to be used effectively.

It is recommended to use the strategies you think will work best for you and your child consistently for 4-6 months. 

If you still need help or advice after this time and you live in the Warrington area, you can contact the Occupational Therapy Advice Line on Wednesday mornings from 9am to 11am on 01925 946097.

Sensory information pack

This Sensory information pack is a printable guide which parents, carers and teachers can use to help understand a child’s sensory needs.

There are specific strategies listed to help target certain sensory behaviours.

The Sensory Information Pack includes information about:

  • Sensory Processing
  • External Senses
  • Internal Senses
  • Specific Interventions:
  • Sensory Diet
  • Alert Programme
  • Alertness Self/Regulation
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Useful Reading

If you have queries on any aspect of this document, please feel free to contact the occupational therapy service on 01925 946097.

Romanian version

Sensory Information Pack – Romanian version


The information presented on this site was developed by the Warrington Occupational Therapists primarily for use as a pre-referral resource for parents, caregivers, and teachers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this website. The content has been gathered from a wide variety of sources and is a summary of that information.

These resources may reference items of equipment and/or the companies which supply them, but the Warrington Occupational Therapy service does not have any affiliation with any such companies, nor does it endorse any companies and/or products. Such references are provided for information purposes only.

It is the responsibility of those implementing any sensory strategies to ensure they have consent to implement the interventions. Those implementing strategies are responsible to carry out any necessary risk assessments prior to implementing strategies to ensure the health and safety of the individuals involved in the intervention.

The service accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, information perceived as misleading, or the success of any activity ideas or treatment advice detailed in the these online resources.

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