Children’s Community Paediatric Medical Services (Doctors & Consultants) – Warrington

Key messages for the Neurodevelopment Assessment Pathway  

Information for:

  • For families of children already on the waiting list
  • For families of children being referred and to be placed on the waiting list
  • For internal Bridgewater agencies and referrers of children to the neurodevelopment assessment pathway

Read our key message

Bridgewater Warrington Children’s Services update

Read our update on our children’s services for parents and carers of Warrington.

What does the Children’s Community Paediatric Medical Service do

Community Paediatricians are doctors specially trained in the assessment and diagnosis of a number of conditions and contribute in their management:

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: these are conditions like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • Neurodisability, such as Cerebral Palsy.
  • Chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome.
  • Learning Difficulty

Early intervention with children reduces the future likelihood of major intervention being necessary. The quality of life achieved later is greatly affected if the child does not maximise their potential at the earliest possible time.

The Children’s Community Paediatric Medical Service will enable the children of Warrington (and parents/caregivers) to receive relevant treatment, advice and support for their condition, at the earliest possible time to benefit them in later life.

Where we work

This service is based at the Child Development Centre (CDC) Sandy Lane Orford where many of the clinics take place.

There are also outlying clinics at the Baths Street Health and Wellbeing Centre, Grappenhall, Penketh, and Woolston clinics. In addition clinic sessions are undertaken at some special schools for children with complex and multiple difficulties.

Who does this service provide for

This service is a secondary referral service. Referrals are taken from health professionals and specialist teachers and educational specialist.

It caters for children with developmental problems, neuro developmental difficulties or disability aged 0–16 or up to 19 is if attending special schools.

How decisions are made about how we work with families

What families can expect from Community Paediatricians:

  • Expert assessment including in depth case history and medical evaluation.
  • Collation of information about the child or young person to inform diagnosis.
  • Liaison with other professionals, including Therapists and Education staff
  • To be fully involved in the development of a management plan for their child that the family, nursery / school staff and others will implement.
  • Families can expect that they and important others, such as teaching staff, develop their own skills in using the appropriate strategies to support their child on a daily basis.
  • Those who work with the child have written information which is always copied to the family.
  • That Community Paediatricians will contribute to Education, Health and Care plans where appropriate for children and young people with additional needs.
  • Families can expect signposting to other agencies and services where appropriate and when families consent to this beneficial support.

How to use the service

Much of the referrals come from the complex case referral panel (CCP).

Complex case referral forms are sent to the child development centre where they are processed weekly by a multi-professional and multiagency panel and cases are allocated appropriate professionals to assess according to the child’s need.

The service has a waiting list for first appointments and aims to see all children within 18 weeks of referral.

The service may offer follow up appointments if the child / young person has a need to be seen again by the Community Paediatricians.

There is no cost for families to use the Community Paediatricians service.

Moving on – transitions and discharge

Once the Community Paediatrician has completed the medical assessment and where support is being provided by other professionals and other agencies it may be that the role of the Community Paediatrician is complete.

A small number of children may need to continue to be involved with the service, such as when medication is being prescribed. In these cases a young person’s needs are continually reviewed and reassessed.

Where the service continues to be involved at transition points, such as moving from primary to secondary, this transition will be supported to be as seamless as possible by ensuring links are made with other services.

The Community Paediatricans service is not a curative service so when the child / young person or their parents / other professionals are self-sufficient with respect to knowledge about appropriate strategies the service will discharge the child to the care of these relevant others.

This is likely to be at the point where:

  • Support is being provided by other professionals.
  • Medical intervention is not required.

The decision to discharge to the support of all others in the child’s life will always be discussed and agreed with the child or young person, their family and other relevant professionals.

How we communicate with service users and how you are involved in decision making/planning

You can mainly expect to speak to us, face to face in appointments and occasionally by appointment by phone, if clinically required.  You can also expect to receive letters and reports.

We will contribute to Education, Health and Care plans and review for children and young people with additional needs.

Where required an interpreter can be made available on request.

Ask Ollie

You may find it helpful to view the local offer site for further information about support and services in the area.  ‘Ask Ollie’ is the local offer that supports parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and young people with SEND themselves.

The link to Ask Ollie is:

Ask Ollie is co-produced by Warrington Borough Council with local young people with SEND, parents and carers of children with SEND and SEND practitioners who support these families.

We value what you say

We routinely ask for feedback from you to see how we are doing. This may be a request for verbal feedback.

Families are also requested to complete Talk to Us forms at various stages of involvement:

This information will be treated confidentially, and may be used by the team in order to improve our service.




Disability information

Who you can contact for further information

For general enquiries regarding Community Paediatrics, specific enquires about a child, or for questions about a referral please get in touch with your Health Visitor or School Nurse.


Contact details

Consultant Community Paediatrician
Child Development Centre
Sandy Lane

Tel: 01925 946480

Information sharing

In order to offer integrated, high quality services for children, all of our Children’s Services work closely with preschools, nurseries and schools.

We share information about the outcomes of assessments and the strategies recommended in order that preschools, nurseries and schools implement the same strategies on a daily basis.

We also inform preschools, nurseries and schools when a parent does not attend an appointment.

This will greatly help your child, but it you do not wish information to be shared you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Give us your feedback

Your feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our services here at Bridgewater.

Please tell us about your recent visit or appointment by completing our online Talk to Us form.