Tina Wilkins – Non-Executive Director

Tina Wilkins

Position: Non-Executive Director


Tell us about your career to date:

I joined the Trust as a Non-Executive Director in September 2020.

During my career I have worked within the fields of health, education, and social care, in both operational and strategic roles.

My career has been both broad and interesting and included, qualifying as a nurse, which instilled a passion for providing the best care for people, working in education developing and delivering mentoring programmes for young people, leading strategy development and service transformation, and designing and implementing major health care service developments.

I have many career highlights, the most important have been, building strong partnerships with service users, carers and families, developing productive working relationships across health and social care and establishing and redesigning many services.


What is the most important thing for you in your role?

The most important aspect of being a NED for Bridgewater Community Healthcare Trust is working with the Board to ensure the Trust provides safe and effective integrated health and wellbeing services that keep patients and service users at the centre of everything we do.


What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy using my skills, experience, and knowledge to provide a contribution the board by being a ‘critical friend’ scrutinising the Trust’s performance and offering strategic input and advice to support the executive team to continue to deliver the best care for patients and service users.


What is your main focus for the year?

My focus is to support the Trust to continue to deliver and improve care for the population served by the Trust by working with local partners, in particular working in collaboration with Warrington and Halton Hospitals to deliver integrated care.