Our Board of Directors sets the overall strategic direction for the Trust and is collectively responsible for monitoring all aspects of performance, providing financial stewardship and ensuring the provision of high quality, safe and effective services.
The Executive Directors manage the day to day operational running of the organisation, whilst the Non-Executive Directors are focused on challenging the Executive Team on management and strategy.
The Non-Executive Directors do not hold any managerial responsibility, but are accountable with the Executive Directors for the Trust’s performance. The contribution of Non-Executive Directors, and their relationships with Executive Directors and governors, is facilitated by the Chair.
All of our Non-Executive Directors are considered to be independent, as they have not been employed previously by the Trust and do not have any financial or other business interest in the organisation. Our Senior Independent Director is Sally Yeoman.
The Committees of our Board of Directors are:
- Audit Committee
- Quality and Safety Committee
- Finance and Performance Committee
- People and Organisational Development Committee
- Nominations and Remuneration Committee
You can find out more about the work of these committees in the Trust’s Annual Report.
The Board works closely with our Council of Governors to enable the governors to carry out their statutory duties. Governors’ views are sought on the Trust’s forward plans and the Board also provides feedback on the Trust’s undertakings and performance.
Our Council of Governors provide local accountability by representing the interests of members and partner organisations. The Board of Directors retains overall responsibility for decision-making, except where the Council of Governors has statutory responsibilities.
Trust Board meetings
Details of the Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Board meetings which are held at various locations in the communities we serve are available using the Board Meetings link shown below.
The Nolan Principles
The ‘Nolan Principles’ code of practice has been written with regard to the seven principles of public life identified by the Nolan Committee in their First Report on Standards in Public Life in May 1995 and subsequently endorsed by the Government.
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust actively promotes and strives to adhere to these principles.