Professor Ted Adams – Medical Director

Ted Adams


Position: Medical Director and Chief Clinical Information Officer

Please tell us about your career to date?

I undertook my medical training in Liverpool and then my specialist training across Cheshire and Merseyside.

Initially appointed as Consultant and Chief Clinical Information Officer at Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals, I moved to Bridgewater as Deputy Medical Director, before being appointed Joint Medical Director in April 2020.

I took on the sole appointment in April 2023, when I also became Responsible Officer.

What are your main responsibilities?

Quality, Research, Innovation, Medicines Management, Medical and Dental care. Chief Clinical Information Officer (Digital).

What is the biggest achievement of your career so far?

I’ve worked in a number of NHS Regional offices and abroad at Kaiser Permanente as a Harkness Fellow.

Being able to develop my passion for clinical leadership alongside a clinical career is my biggest achievement.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

The variety – one minute you can be discussing strategy the next bladder scanners.

What are your areas of key focus for the year?

Digital engagement across the Trust, making the Trust a great place to work for doctors and dentists and reducing health inequalities.