Referrals – Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Care Service in Warrington

Who can access the service?

Any child or young person with a Warrington GP.

How can people access the service?

Referrals are accepted from professionals, education and self referrals via our referral form or by phone.

Following triage families will be sent an opt in text and given seven days to ring the service to book an appointment.

Service users will be offered a clinic appointment for daytime wetting, nocturnal enuresis and constipation.

Joint home visits with a nurse and nursery nurse, school meetings or clinic appointments will be offered for toilet training and provision of products.

Where is the service offered?

  • Clinics are held at the Child Development Centre and Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub
  • Clincs in Foxwood and Green Lane schools
  • Meetings in schools
  • Home visits