Warrington School Health – Making a referral

The School Health Service delivers care in a range of settings including mainstream and special schools, at home, in clinics and community settings.

Who can access the service?

School aged children and young people and their parents/carers, teachers, Health Visitors, GPs, social workers, other community health professionals, hospitals and support services.

How can people access the service?

The service is offered to school-aged children and young people and operates an open referral system.

Referrals include self-referrals and referrals made by parents/carers, schools, health professionals, social care and children’s services.

Details of your school nurse can be found on this webpage, to include where they are based and the drop in times in school and the community.

Referral form

Warrington 0 to 19 Integrated Services referral form

Email: alwch.0to19@nhs.net