Warrington School Health – Local Offer

School Nursing Teams are responsible for leading and coordinating public health programmes to improve the health and well-being for all children, young people between the ages of 5 and 19 years (and up to age 25 years with SEND) and their families.

The service receives referrals from many sources or you can contact your child’s named school nurse directly or ask your child’s teacher to contact them on your behalf.

How we can support Primary and High School Children with SEND

We can:

  • Liaise with parents and school staff – please contact us if you have concerns about your child’s health or development
  • Signpost to suitable resources
  • Complete a holistic Health assessment of your child
  • Complete Health care planning meeting with parents and school
  • Offer advice and support to parents who request additional help

How else do we support young people in High schools?

  • We offer a confidential weekly drop in service in High Schools where young people can come and talk to a School Nurse about their physical and emotional health and well-being.
  • We offer support and advice to young people and their families in school or at home.
  • We  can refer young people to other services following assessment if necessary
  • We support schools with creating reasonable adjustments within school


The school health team will always make sure that the service they offer to you and your child is accessible.

The team can visit you at a time and at a venue that meets you and your child’s needs.

Information sharing

In order to offer an integrated, high quality service for children, all of our Children’s Services work closely with preschools, nurseries and schools.

We share information about the outcomes of assessments and the strategies recommended in order that preschools, nurseries and schools implement the same strategies on a daily basis.

We also inform preschools, nurseries and schools when a parent does not attend an appointment.

This will greatly help your child, but it you do not wish information to be shared you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Who can I contact for further information?

If you want more information about the school health service and how it supports children with additional needs then please contact the Team Leader or Clinical Manager.

Their details can be found on the on the making a referral & contact details page.