The Nurse led SPA Service coordinates urgent referrals for patients with unscheduled care needs; utilising best practice guidance and triage skills to ensure Warrington patients have an excellent patient experience supported by safe and effective clinical care pathways.
Providing the right care in the right place at the right time.
Referrals are accepted from:
- GPs
- Other Community Healthcare Professionals
- Social Services
- North West Ambulance Service
- Integrated Hospital Discharge Team
- WHHFT Rapid Response Service
- WHHFT Hospital Specifically for IV Therapy and Respiratory Patients and The In Reach Community Matron
- Catheter Patients
- Warrington Care Homes
For full list see the SPA Care Pathway Chart.
The Roles of SPA are:
- Reduce unnecessary hospital admission/ Promote Early supported hospital discharge
- Ensuring patients access the most appropriate care pathway
- To provide a less stressful and more informative and satisfying patient experience
- Promote community and social care pathway
- Report gaps in service provision to inform future commissioning intention
The SPA Service Model has 6 Key Components:
- Access
- Assessment
- Signposting
- Treatment
- Self-management
- Planning
Access to the SPA Service is available Monday to Friday between 8am and 7pm:
- For GP’s and Clinicians via Telephone – 01925 946464
The SPA services ensure that patients are kept informed each step of the way, given a point of contact for any questions or concerns.
On-going support and information enables patients to remain in control of their own care pathway.
The SPA service updates the clinical referrer with the outcome and continues to inform the GP practice and other supporting community teams of all relevant developments in connection with the referral.
SPA services ensure that patients receive the treatment that is most appropriate for their needs, avoiding a hospital admission if at all possible.