Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Warrington – About our service

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Warrington team photo

For more detailed information visit Our Local Offer page.

Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) work across Warrington in:

  • Clinics
  • Schools (Mainstream, Designated Provisions and Special)
  • Child Development Centre

The Clinic Team

We have clinics in three locations:

Health Services at Warrington Wolves

Health Services at Warrington Wolves

Martin Dawes Stand
Halliwell Jones Stadium
Winwick Rd

Sandy Lane Child Development Centre

Sandy Lane Child Development Centre

Sandy Lane

Grappenhall Clinic

Grappenhall Clinic

Springfield Avenue

You can choose your preferred clinic at referral.

A child will be invited to attend for a clinic appointment if they are in reception class or below, or the main concern is their speech sounds, fluency or voice.

The Schools Team

Our speech and language therapists work closely with school staff and provide advice and activities to be carried out in mainstream school, designated provisions and special schools.

This means speech and language therapy is part of everyday life in school.

You will be sent a case history questionnaire to complete at home, and your child will be seen for an initial assessment in school.

Your child will then be seen in school for subsequent reviews and school staff will be trained to support your child’s speech and language needs.

Child Development Centre (CDC)

The Child Development Centre (CDC) team are health care professionals, including doctors, nurses and therapy staff who work together to support families who have a child with a health or additional need.

They support families through assessment, by listening to and understanding the perspective of the child, young person and parents / carers.

The focus is to identify strengths and difficulties of the individual to allow the child and family to receive the appropriate support and access the provision that we are able to offer.

The CDC speech and language therapy service can offer appointments at clinic, home and nursery as needed and co-ordinate with other relevant professionals.

Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Warrington – about our service

Who can be referred to Speech and Language Therapy?

Children from 0-16 years (0-19 years if attending special schools) who show difficulties in the following areas:

  • Understanding of Language: Understanding what is being said to them Listening and following instructions
  • Spoken Language: Using words, Joining words together in sentences, using correct grammar, and use of vocabulary
  • Speech sounds: Saying sounds and speaking clearly
  • Stammering/Stuttering: Repeating sounds or words or having difficulties getting sounds out
  • Voice Difficulties: Child has an unusual sounding or a persistently hoarse voice
  • Attention and listening difficulties: Significant difficulties with concentration and following instructions alongside language difficulties
  • Social Communication support: Supporting children to use language and communication to interact with others
  • Children with feeding and swallowing difficulties: Children who have difficulties with the process of swallowing food and drink
  • Selective Mutism: A selectively mute child has an anxiety disorder where they are unable to speak in certain social situations.

Any difficulty with communication can impact on social interaction and academic development.

Who do we not see?

  • Children whose first language is developing well and they are learning English as an additional language.
  • Children with written language difficulties where there are no other speech and/or language difficulties.
  • Children who require an assessment for Autism or ADHD.  For further information please click the following link Neurodevelopment Assessment Pathway Service – Warrington

What do we do?

We will start by assessing your child to find out their communication strengths and areas of need.

Advice, strategies and treatment will be offered.  We include parents/carers and other professionals as much as possible in this process.

We fully involve parents/carers in target setting and will talk about your concerns and the impact of the difficulty on your child’s everyday life.

We aim to help your child achieve their communication potential.

We offer a range of training that will enable parents/carers, education staff and other health care professionals to support children and young people and help them make the best progress across all environments.

In order to offer integrated, high quality services for children, we share information about the outcomes of assessments and recommended strategies with preschools, nurseries and schools.

This is to ensure everyone involved knows how to support the child/ young person. We feel this will greatly help your child, but if you do not wish information to be shared you may withdraw your consent at any time.

You can do this by speaking to your child’s therapist or contacting the department on 01925 946686.