Looked after Children Health Service – Warrington

The Looked after Children Health Team is a community based team of experienced specialist nurses with the knowledge and skill to provide assessment and either care or referral dependent on the child/young people’s needs.

Looked after Children (or Children in Care) are those who are in the care of a local authority.  The team is responsible for liaising with health visitors, school nurses, paediatricians, social care and those Looked after Children’s Health Teams who have children placed within the Bridgewater area

Who can access the service?

Children and young people who are looked after; carers, social workers and health colleagues.

How can people access the service?

Children and young people who are looked after are automatically referred to the service by their local authority.

Contact details

Suzanne McAdam
Specialist Nurse for Children in Care
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust
Child Development Centre
Sandy Lane

Telephone: 01925 867897

Related websites

www.dh.gov.uk Department of Health: Statutory Guidance on Promoting the Health and Well-being of Looked after Children DH (2009)

www.nice.org.uk Joint NICE/SCIE PH28 – Looked after Children and young people

The following councils’ social workers can be contacted about children in their care: