FAQs – Warrington Children’s Specialist Nursing Team

Is there parking at clinic locations?

Yes, there is free parking available on all sites. Some sites may require you to enter your vehicle registration on arrival. Please ask at reception for details.

Alternatively, bus routes for all these clinics are available on Google maps or local council websites.

Who do I contact if I need to cancel/re arrange an appointment?

For ADHD appointments, please call 01925 946485

For all other specialist nursing appointments, please call 01925 946773. A further appointment will be provided.

What happens if I miss an appointment?

Non-attendance to an appointment without notifying the service may result in your child being discharged from the children’s specialist nursing service. The service will attempt to notify you of this missed appointment and invite you to contact the team to re-arrange. If we do not hear from you, we will assume this is no longer required.

For ADHD appointments, non-attendance will result in medication being discontinued.

How long does an appointment take?

Depending on the nature of the appointment, this could range from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

Do I need to be present for my child’s appointment?

We ask that children are accompanied by a parent or carer with parental responsibility for their clinic appointments. For young people, where appropriate, they may access their appointments independently.

What do I do if I have information I want to discuss without my child present?

Please contact the service and ask for a telephone appointment to discuss your concerns.

Can I bring siblings to my child’s appointment?

Yes, you can bring siblings along with you if you are having difficulty with childcare. However, we would advise that where possible your child attends alone with parents.

What are your contact details?

The specialist Nursing team office contact number is 01925 946773

Please note, messages are retrieved from the answerphone 3 times a day. We aim to respond within 5 working days due to the high demands on the service.

For ADHD appointments, the contact number is 01925 946485.

Who can I contact in an emergency?

Our team are not an emergency service. If you require emergency support, you can contact:

Your GP within opening hours or call 111 for medical advice out of hours

Social Care out of hours – 01925 444400

Mental Health Crisis Teams – 01744 627 618

In cases of extreme risk, if you feel concerned that you are unable to keep your child safe due to a mental health concern, where you are safely able to do so, you should attend A & E. If you feel you cannot do this safely, please call 999 for ambulance services.

How do I order a repeat prescription?

The contact details for repeat prescriptions are

bchft.warrcompaed-repeatscripts@nhs.net or telephone 01925 946970.

Please include your child’s name, DOB and what medication you are requesting. The paediatricians will then complete the electronic prescription which will be sent to your nominated pharmacy.

How do I access support with regards to difficulties with school?

 Special Educational Needs and Disability Independent Advocacy Service (SENDIAS) provides support and guidance to parents/carers with children/young people with additional needs in educational settings.

This can include support in applying for an Education Health Care Plans (EHCP).

Telephone: 01925 442978


Who can help complete applications for DLA and PIP?

Citizens Advice Bureau and Disability Rights UK can support.

What can I do if I think my child has Pathological Demand Avoidance? (PDA)

At present this is not within our diagnostic manual, so we are unable to confirm a diagnosis.