Warrington 0-19 Infant Feeding Team

Free antenatal infant feeding workshop

Do you want to feel educated, informed, and confident when feeding your baby?

Enrol and join us on our free workshop provided by the Warrington 0-19 Infant Feeding Team.

Over three hours of content to make sure you feel ready, confident, and supported when it comes to feeding your baby.

To book your free place on a workshop email your name, address, contact number and due date to bchft.InfantFeedingWorkshop@nhs.net.

Infant feeding support drop in clinics

Come and see us if you would like support to establish infant feeding or if you are experiencing problems with feeding:

Westy Children’s Centre
Tinsley Street, Latchford. WA4 1RE
Tuesdays from 10am to 11.30am

Orchard’s Children’s Centre
Hilden Road, Warrington WA2 0JP
Wednesdays from 10.30am to 12noon

Great Sankey Children’s Centre
Liverpool Road, Warrington. WA5 1SB
Thursdays from 1pm to 2.30pm

Living Well Hub
Horsemarket Street, Warrington, WA1 1XL
Fridays from 10am to 12pm.

Access to advice and support from the Infant Feeding Team

If you need advice or support during your pregnancy or after your baby has been born, please email the Team at bchft.InfantFeedingTeamWarrington@nhs.net.

Support contact numbers

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300 330 5453

La Leche League: 0345 120 2918

National Childbirth Trust (NCT):0300 330 0700

The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300 456 2421

External resources

UNICEF Baby Friendly resources
Up to date information leaflets and videos getting breast feeding off to a good start, responsive and safe bottle feeding, how to express and store breastmilk, feeding your baby at night, baby friendly initiative standards, bonding with your baby.

First Steps Nutrition – Eating Well resources
In depth evidence -based information on formula available in the UK and specialist formula milks, introducing solid food to your baby, healthy eating resource for pregnancy and under 5s including breastfeeding and vegan diet.

Lullaby Trust – Safer sleep for babies
Safe sleep information and caring for and feeding your baby at night.

UNICEF – Caring for your baby at night
Information on looking after your baby at night for new parents.

NHS Vitamin D information
What you need to know about current recommendations on vitamin supplements during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for your baby.

First Steps Nutrition Trust
An independent public health nutrition charity. We endeavour to fill practical and policy-relevant information gaps and provide resources for health workers supporting eating well from pre-conception to five years.

Want to volunteer as a peer support worker?

Email your details to bchft.InfantFeedingTeamWarrington@nhs.net.