Integrated Community Equipment Service – Halton & St Helens

The Integrated Community Equipment Service (HICES)  provides an equipment service to the people of Halton and St Helens to support independent living.

HICES encompasses admin, procurement, delivery, collection, decontamination, maintenance, repair and storage facilities.

HICES provides equipment within 7 days of assessment to all ages/client groups to enable patients to live independently within their own home/residence.

The service supports early discharge into the community from hospital and admission avoidance schemes. It allows carers to continue with their role and minimises moving and handling risks to patient, carers and staff.

Who can access the service?

The service is available to patients of any age who have a Halton or St Helens GP and reside within Halton or St Helens boroughs.

How can people access the service?

Referrals are via health or social care professionals including District Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Specialist Nurses, Community Matrons, Social Workers, Council Community Care Workers and  hospital nurses.

Where is the service offered?

The service delivers equipment to patient homes or clinics.

Contact details

The service is based at

Integrated Community Equipment Service
Europa Point
Europa Boulevard

Tel: 01925 946 000

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm (closed bank holidays).

Equipment Collection from store between 9am, to 12pm and 1pm – 3pm (between these times only).