Community Stroke Service – Halton

This community based service provides a high level of clinical case management, information, support and advice to people with stroke, their families and carers. The aim is to improve health and well being outcomes for people with stroke and transient ischaemic attack.

Who can access the service?

The service is for all those Halton residents, or those with a Halton GP, who have had a stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack.

How can people access the service?

The service can be accessed via referral from any health or social care professional or directly from the patient, carer or family as long as they have the consent of the patient.

A completed referral form is preferable but a telephone conversation with appropriate details is acceptable also.

Please send referrals through to:

Fax 0151 495 5220 or email

Where is the service offered?

Mill Brow Health Centre

St Pauls Health Centre Community Clinic
High Street

Or in patient’s homes if required.

Contact details

Halton Community stroke Service
Mill Brow Health Centre

Tel: 0151 495 5038
Fax: 0151 495 5220

The majority of patient appointments are carried out within the patient’s own home.

Give us your feedback

Your feedback is important to us and helps us to improve our services here at Bridgewater.

Please tell us about your recent visit or appointment by completing our online Talk to Us form.