Assessments – Halton Community Paediatric Service

What families can expect from Community Paediatricians

  • Expert assessment including an in-depth case history and medical evaluation
  • We review all available health information about the child or young person to inform diagnosis
  • We communicate with other professionals, including therapists and education staff within the multidisciplinary team (MDT)
  • We involve parents/carers in the development of a management plan for their child that the family, nursery/school or relevant other staff will implement
  • We provide a written summary following every contact that is shared with your child’s general practitioner, parent/carer and other health professionals. With parent/carers consent we will also share clinic letters and/or reports with nursery/school and other relevant professionals
  • We contribute to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) where appropriate, for children and young people with additional needs
  • We signpost families to other services when a referral is not accepted by the Community Paediatric Service
  • We will make referrals to other agencies or services where appropriate and when families consent to this beneficial support
  • We may refer to appropriate hospitals for investigations such as bloods or an x-ray
  • We can make a referral for genetic counselling where necessary

QB tests

If your child is being assessed for ADHD, the assessment pathway team may refer your child on for a QB test.

This assessment is completed by the Neurodevelopmental Nursing Team in a clinic setting and is usually completed early on in your child’s assessment journey.

Once it is completed there will be a wait for an appointment with the paediatrics team to review the results of the test and provide you with feedback.

The QB testing team/neurodevelopment assessment team are unable to give you results of this assessment so please avoid calling to request this.