The FOI Act requires public authorities to have an approved publication scheme. A publication scheme is designed to help members of the public find information which the Trust proactively publishes.
The Information Commissioner’s Office has developed approved model publication schemes that public authorities must adopt.
The scheme:
- sets out the types of information we as a public authority routinely publish;
- explains the way we can provide the information;
- states what charges we can make for providing information; and
- provides and maintains a guide to the information we will provide, how we will provide it, and details any charges
Most of the information available in the publication scheme will be free of charge, however if there is a charge it will be indicated.
Guide to the information that we publish
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust have designed this section of the publication scheme to provide you with information that may interest you.
If you require information under any of these categories that is not currently available please contact us at
Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS FT Trust Publication Scheme
Who we are and what we do
- Organisation structure
- Senior staff and management Board members
- Location and contact details of all public facing departments
What we spend and how we spend it
What are our priorities and how are we doing
How we make decisions
Lists and registers
The services we offer
Our publications