Warrington 0-19 Services

Warrington 0 to 19 Integrated Services referral form | Email: BCHFT.0to19@nhs.net

Warrington 0-19 icon Infant Feeding TeamWarrington 0-19 Infant Feeding Team

Our Warrington Infant Feeding Co-ordinator links with Public Health Nurse teams (Health Visitors, Staff Nurses, Nursery Nurses and Clinic Nurses), Midwives, Children Centres services/teams, General Practitioners (GPs), local councils, including breastfeeding peer support services. Read more…

Warrington 0-19 icon Family Nurse PartnershipFamily Nurse Partnership (FNP)

The Family Nurse Partnership is a programme for first time mothers under the age of 20. It offers intensive and structured home visiting, delivered by specially trained nurses (Family Nurses), from early pregnancy until the child is two. Read more…

Warrington 0-19 icon Health VisitorsHealth Visiting

Our Health Visiting Service is provided by specialist community public health nurses who lead and coordinate the universal Healthy Child programme, which offers expert health assessments, advice, support and interventions to children and families as required in their first years of life. Read more…

Warrington 0-19 icon Oral Health Improvment TeamOral Health Improvement Service

The role of Oral Health Improvement is to promote important evidence based oral health messages to groups in the community and includes supervised toothbrushing in early year settings and reception classes and toothbrush/toothpaste distribution scheme for school aged children. Read more…

Warrington 0-19 icon School HealthSchool Health

The School Health Team are part of the Warrington 0-19 Integrated Service and we work with children and young people aged 5-19 years and their families to promote health and wellbeing with a focus on early help and support. Read more…

Warrington 0-19 icon School Aged ImmunisationsSchool Aged Immunisation Programmes

Warrington has a dedicated School-aged Immunisation Team who focus on the prevention of the spread of illness and disease through immunisation.

As well as educating, advising and promoting immunisations they deliver the routine national immunisation programme to school aged children. . Read more…

Warrington’s Local Offer | Ask Ollie (mylifewarrington.co.uk),
A one-stop shop of SEND information, with a directory of local and national services to support children and young people with additional needs, and their families.

Our NHS services in Warrington

View the full list of adult and children’s services we offer in Warrington.