CCNT – The Complex Needs Service
Who might be referred to us?
- Children with chronic/complex health care needs that require nursing care, ongoing support and advice on health conditions.
- Children and young people who are reliant on medical technology, for example, naso-gastric feeding tube, gastrostomy, tracheostomy and ventilation support
- Children and Young People with life limiting or life threatening conditions who require Nursing care or support.
- Children and young people who require a package of Continuing Health Care support to maintain their care at home with families . The CCNT will liaise with, and support, the local commissioning board to assess and plan Children’s Continuing Health Care with other agencies. This is to ensure that the child’s/young person’s complex health needs are identified and addressed.
- Facilitate preferred place of care for the end of life for a child/young person and their family.
The Complex Needs Service in Schools and Nurseries
Fox wood School nursing support is offered by an experience school nurse and an experienced children’s nurse.
Our aim is to work in partnership with parents, teachers, and support staff to provide person centred care, to enable children with complex nursing needs to access their education so that they can reach their potential for learning.
Our nursing team work closely with other professionals from education, health, and social care to provide a multiagency approach to care planning.
The team also supports some children with specific health needs on a one-to-one basis to enable them to access school.
Our Children’s Community Nursing Team Clinical Trainer provides clinical training for schools and nurseries so that all children who require clinical care whilst in school can have their care delivered safely within school or nursery.
As part of the SEND agenda within the Warrington Borough, the team contribute to the health reports that are part of each child’s Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)
You may find it helpful to view Warrington Borough Council’s local offer site for further information about support and services in the area.
The local offer support parents and carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND) and young people with SEND themselves
The Complex Needs Respite Service
Our respite service is provided by clinically experienced nursery nurses (support workers) from the Children’s Community Nursing Team who have received specific, extensive training and gained experience in caring for children with complex healthcare needs within their own homes.
Aims of our service
To support families by providing short periods of respite care for your child within your own home.
These are usually two-hour sessions, one or two times per week dependent upon agreed package of support.
To provide appropriate play and sensory stimulation to encourage your children to explore and engage in the world around them.
To undertake specific nursing care as necessary during respite sessions always ensuring your child’s safety and well-being.
This can include the administration of enteral feeds, medication, and airway management.